March 21, 2011

First sun of spring

About three weeks ago i swapped my EF 50mm 1.8 lens for the EF 50mm 1.4 USM and i can really say that i don't regret this decision. It's an amazing lens and the picture quality is much better than of the 1.8. So i took some walks outside and took photos of the setting sun in early spring. The results are some pictures with a really nice and warm mood and a lot of sunlight and lensflare. So i hope you like them 🙂

I also created a portfolio section with the best pictures out of this series.

Have fun and tell me what you think of this pictures and of that lens 😉

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5 comments on “First sun of spring”

  1. Sehr schöne Bilder. Tolles Bokeh. Scheint toll zu sein die Linse.
    Super Bearbeitung auch. War das auch deine Buttercream Vintage Aktion?

  2. Jaaaaa, die 1,4 rocken total! Hab auch mein 1,8er ausgetauscht, nachdem der Yoghurtbecher kaputt gegangen ist. Habe den Aufpreis nie bereut!

    Die Nr. 5 gefällt mir übrigens am besten. Und die Farben der ganzen Serie!!

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