July 30, 2012

3/52 People - Thabile

Originally Anastasia had planed a shooting with Thabile but her camera was broken and needed to be fixed. So i offered Anastasia to use my 5D at the shooting if i can shoot a Photo for my 52people-series with Thabile. Fortunately both of them agreed and i had the chance too shoot these photos with her.

At the beginning i asked Thabile not to smile but then she start to tell me some stories and her natural smile during the conversation was so nice that i told her to simply countinue speaking while i snapped some frames. No need to say that this was a good decission, i rarerly saw such a beautiful natural smile. When i asked her for the lifestyle-diptych, she said that she doesn't really have a special object she wants to see in these photos but she feels very close to her african ancestry. She has a tatoo on her left wrist, saying "Bongani", meaning "be thankful". (oh and her hair is seriously awesome!!)

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