September 26, 2016

Lake Constance with only an iPhone 7 Plus

When I recently got the iPhone 7 Plus, I felt like I really had to make use of it for spending so much money. So past weekend I did something I haven't done in a while: I left my big cameras at home to have no other chance but using my phone for all of my photography and it actually was a great experience it's size and the way it's built are great for quick shots that sometimes wouldn't be possible with a DSLR. It's photo quality is more than enough for sharing online and doing small prints. Of course it still lacks the possibility for a proper bokeh but it brings everything else for getting the photos ready for sharing with as little effort as possible. In fact all the post-work including this blogpost where done with only an iPhone, mostly from the passenger seat of a car 🙂 

Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

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