March 17, 2012

Powdershooting with Anastasia

Do i have to say that this has been a big mess? 😉

I saw the idea of the powdershooting in a german TV show called "Germany's Next Topmodel" for the first time. Anastasia and i decided that we would like to try this ourselfs. We colored the powder with pigment-color, first pink and later brown. A very unusual an new thing for me is the fact, that i used a lot of flashligt here. Three flashes all in all, one of them through a colored sheet.

I really have to say a big "Thank you" to Anastasia. All of the assistens and i where wearing many clothes, a painter-overall and a breathing mask. Anastasia was standing in this cold room and powder-fog all day long without any word of complaint. That's what i call professional 😉

Daniel Böswald has been one of my assistants here and created a little behind-the-scenes video with his 7D:

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7 comments on “Powdershooting with Anastasia”

  1. Ich bin begeistert, richtig geniale Bilder! Mich würde mal interessieren wieviele du gemacht hast und wieviele davon auch brauchbar sind.

    schöne grüße

  2. Very nice Work !
    What are the exif of your series?

    Are you using high speed synchro from your flash speed light and high Time exposure ?

    1/4000s? or minus ?

    Thx 🙂

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